地面進攻在即 五角大廈派「精通巷戰」美軍將領赴以色列!

This image provided by the U.S. Marine Corps shows U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. James Glynn speaking during the Wounded Warrior Regiment change of command at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Va., July 14, 2023. The Pentagon has sent military advisers to Israel to aid in its war planning and is speeding multiple sophisticated air defense systems to the Middle East days ahead of an anticipated ground assault into Gaza. One of the officers leading the assistance is Glynn, who previously helped lead special operations forces against the Islamic State and served in Fallujah, Iraq, during some of the most heated urban combat there, according to a U.S. official who was not authorized to discuss Glynn’s role and spoke on the condition of anonymity. (Cpl. Mitchell Johnson/U.S. Marine Corps via AP)


綜合《美聯社》等外媒,五角大廈在以軍對加薩發動地面進攻以前,已向以色列派遣一支軍事顧問團。不願具名的美國官員透露,顧問之一是美國海軍陸戰隊中將葛林(James Glynn),曾率領特種部隊打擊伊斯蘭國(ISIS),且在伊拉克戰爭中最血腥也最具爭議的費盧傑戰役扮演重要角色。

以色列正醞釀大規模地面行動,而哈瑪斯長年來在加薩北部密集的城市街道布下隧道網絡及陷阱。白宮國安會發言人柯比(John Kirby)23日在簡報會上說明,葛林等顧問擁有「適合以色列正進行的各項行動相關經驗」。


